The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said on Wednesday (December 30) that it is investigating all aspects of the death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput and that no possibility has been ruled out so far.
It should be noted that the CBI had started the investigation in this high-profile case 145 days ago and in October, AIIMS doctors had told CBI in their opinion that the actor was not murdered. The AIIMS team of doctors in Delhi had said that Sushant’s death was due to suicide. Doctors had also rejected the theories of poisoning and strangulation put forward by the relatives of the late actor.
It should be noted that the BJP deputy, Subramanian Swamy, wrote a letter to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) requesting details on the status of the investigation in Sushant’s death case. The PMO sent the letter to the CBI and the central investigating agency responded to Swamy saying: “The CBI is conducting an investigation in a thorough and professional manner using the latest scientific techniques. During the investigation, all aspects are being analyzed and no aspect has been ruled. out as on the date “.
“During the investigation, advanced mobile forensic equipment, including the latest software, has been used for the extraction and analysis of the relevant data available on the digital devices and also for the analysis of the download data from the tower locations. relevant mobile phone numbers related to the case. During the investigation, all witnesses have been examined to understand the circumstances and apprehensions raised by the complainant and his family members and other independent sources. An intensive and exhaustive investigation has been carried out in this regard ” said the CBI. “The investigation team together with senior officials visited all places of interest: Aligarh, Faridabad, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Manesar and Patna,” CBI added.
“The investigation team and senior officers have visited the incident scene numerous times to better understand the circumstances surrounding the incident. Experts from CFSL, New Delhi, considered the best in their field in India, also visited and examined the place “The experts also conducted a simulation exercise,” said the CBI, referring to the Central Laboratory of Forensic Sciences.
Sushant, 34, was found dead in his Mumbai apartment on June 14. Mumbai police called his death a suicide based on the autopsy. After a month, Sushant’s father, KK Singh, filed a case in Bihar, accusing Sushant’s girlfriend, Rhea Chakraborty, and her family of financially deceiving him and mentally harassing him, eventually forcing the actor to take a step. extreme.