Rhea Chakraborty, in her 47-page bond application to the Bombay High Court, said that Sushant Singh Rajput would buy drugs for personal use only through her friends and staff members. Rhea said the late actor did that to make sure no paper trail would lead him. Rhea said that Sushant Singh Rajput “used her, her brother Showik [Chakraborty] and members of his household staff to ease his drug addiction while ensuring that he does not leave a paper trail of his own in the form of electronic evidence of any kind “on his application for bail. Rhea, who is currently in judicial custody at Byculla jail, he has applied for bail with the Bombay HC. The bail statement was supposed to be heard today, however, due to heavy rains in the city, the courts have declared a holiday and the hearing has been rescheduled for tomorrow, September 24. Rhea was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on September 8. Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead hanging in the Bandra, Mumbai apartment on June 14.
Various WhatsApp chats exchanged between Rhea Chakraborty, Shruti Mody, Jaya Saha, Rhea’s brother Showik Chakraborty, Sushant’s house manager Samuel Miranda, and his staff member Dipesh Sawant, which are currently in the public domain. , have revealed that at some point or the other they were buying drugs. by Sushant Singh Rajput. The NCB, which was investigating the drug angle in the death case of Sushant Singh Rajput, had arrested Rhea and her brother Showik on charges of organizing and paying for marijuana and other drugs for the late actor, and not for the consumption of the same.
In her bail statement, Rhea clarified that “Sushant Singh Rajput was the sole user” of these drugs, and although she and her brother Showik had helped purchase drugs by paying for them on certain occasions, she had never used drugs. Rhea also clarified that Sushant Singh Rajput had become addicted to weed or marijuana while filming for “Kedarnath between 2015-16”, before Rhea and Sushant started dating. This also indicates that the late actor had a habit of acquiring drugs through friends and staff members since before Rhea came on the scene and therefore Rhea “was not the one who had him hooked on drugs.”
Rhea Chakraborty went on to say “if the late actor were alive today, he would have been charged with consuming small amounts, which is a bail offense with imprisonment for up to one year” in his bail statement. Rhea, oddly enough, has been slapped with Section 27A of the NDPS Act, and she says it is “absurd” that while the “drug user” would only receive up to one year in jail, she would be subject to up to 20 years. in jail just for acquiring and paying for drugs.
Rhea also said that she believes the NCB and respondents are involved in some kind of witch hunt, in which she is involved.
Apart from Rhea and Showik, Sushant Singh Rajput’s house manager Samuel Miranda and cook Dipesh Sawant are also in judicial custody. So far, 18 people have been arrested in the case.
Sushant Singh Rajput was found dead hanging in his Bandra, Mumbai apartment on June 14. The actor’s death case is being investigated by three agencies, the NCB is investigating a drug conspiracy angle, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is investigating whether it was a suicide or homicide case, and the Directorate of Enforcement (ED ) is investigating a money laundering angle.
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