Hathras: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) has completed its investigation into the death of a 19-year-old Dalit woman after an alleged gangrape, an official from the Hathras administration said on Saturday. The administration has also lifted restrictions on media entry into the village, a day after outsiders, including politicians, were barred from meeting with the victim’s family due to the SIT’s ongoing investigation. said the official. Only the media has been allowed into the victim’s village as the SIT investigation has ended, Joint Judge Prem Prakash Meena told reporters. He also refuted allegations that the administration had confiscated the victim’s family and confiscated their phones. Amid nationwide outrage over the incident, Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath formed a three-member SIT on Wednesday that was instructed to submit its report by Oct. 14, according to officials. The Hathras administration had posted on Thursday prohibition orders under section 144 of the CrPC, which prohibits the gathering of more than four people, in the district where the political parties had arrived and held a protest to demand justice for the young woman, who died earlier this week, fifteen days. after her alleged gangrape here.
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