Amid mounting speculation that something is brewing between Shiv Sena and BJP in Maharashtra, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said on Sunday (September 27) that he met with former Maharashtra CM and BJP leader, Devendra Fadnavis, on Saturday to discuss certain issues.
Raut said that Fadnavis is a former CM from Maharashtra and it is not a crime to meet him. “He is a former CM. Also, he is the leader of the opposition in Maharashtra and # BiharPolls, in charge of the BJP. There may be ideological differences but we are not enemies. CM was aware of our meeting,” Raut said.
It should be noted that Shiv Sena’s deputy met with Fadnavis at a five-star hotel in Mumbai and the secret meeting between the two leaders lasted around 2 hours.
However, BJP Maharashtra spokesperson Keshav Upadhye tweeted that the meeting between two senior leaders was not political in nature. He added that the former CM from Maharashtra met with Raut, the Saamana executive editor, Shiv Sena spokesperson, for an interview.
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Upadhye claimed that during the meeting, Fadnavis told Raut to broadcast the interview unedited. The BJP leader said the date for the interview has been set and Raut and Fadnavis are now discussing the format of the interview. Fadnavis is expected to sit down for the interview with Raut after the Bihar elections are completed in November. In particular, Fadnavis is the BJP manager for the Bihar Assembly survey. Fadnavis will become the second non-Shiv Sena leader after CPN Supreme Sharad Pawar to be interviewed by Saamana.
Meanwhile, political circles in Mumbai are filled with rumors that Shiv Sena is planning to sever his ties with Congress and the NCP and may soon join his former BJP allies.