New Delhi: Delhi police said on Saturday they arrested a Chinese woman and her Nepalese partner, claiming they were paying freelance journalist Rajeev Sharma huge amounts of money for allegedly passing sensitive information to “Chinese intelligence.”
“Special Cell arrested a freelance journalist, Rajeev Sharma, for passing confidential information to Chinese intelligence. A Chinese woman and her Nepalese partner were also arrested for paying her large amounts of money sent through shell companies. Confidential information rather than large amounts of money. amounts of money.
“A large number of mobile phones, laptops and other incriminating / sensitive material have been recovered,” police said. Sharma, a resident of Pitampura, has already been arrested by the Delhi Police Special Cell.
“It was found that he was in possession of some classified defense related documents. The investigation is ongoing and more details will be shared in due course,” Deputy Police Commissioner (special cell) Sanjeev Kumar Yadav said on Friday.
Police said Sharma was presented to the court on September 15, which sent him into police custody for six days. Your bond application is listed for September 22.