Sayani Gupta investigates Shah Rukh Khan for his position at Gandhi Jayanti, urges him to tell the “truth” and not close his eyes | Hindi Movie News

Today Shah Rukh Khan took to social media to remember the values ​​of “truth” on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti and wrote: “If this Gandhi Jayanti there is an ideal that we would like our children to follow, in good times, bad and all the time …. it should be Don’t hear bad … don’t look bad …. don’t speak bad! Remembering the value of truth on the 151st anniversary of Gandhiji’s birth. ”

To this, the actor’s ‘Fan’ co-star Sayani Gupta taunted him and urged him to speak the “truth” rather than close his “ears, eyes and mouth” regarding the plight of Dalits in the country. . She retweeted saying, “Say something. The right thing. Gandhi also taught us to defend the Truth, the oppressed, the exploited, for our Dalit brothers and sisters. Don’t just close your ears, eyes and mouth. ”

See tweet here:

Meanwhile, on the work front, both Sayani and SRK have worked together on Maneesh Sharma’s suspense action ‘Fan’.
