After announcing her retirement from the entertainment industry, actress Sana Khan cleaned up her Instagram account, removing every last bit of evidence that she was part of show business. Sana, in a post on Instagram, recently announced that she would leave Bollywood and “serve humanity and follow the order of my Creator.”
There are currently 102 posts on her account, with the first post dating back to 2016. However, any images linking her to the entertainment world have been removed. All that remains is religious in nature, plus a memes or two. Sana has 3.3 million followers on Instagram and was last seen on screen in the Hotstar Special OPS web series. She is best known for having appeared in Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 6 and Jai Ho.
Calling it her ‘happiest moment’, the actress wrote in her post that the entertainment industry has given her ‘fame’, ‘wealth’ and ‘honor’, but, she added, “for a few days I have been possessed of understanding that: Is the true purpose of man’s arrival in this world only to pursue wealth and fame?
She added: “Therefore, I declare today that as of today, I have resolved to say goodbye to my show business lifestyle forever and to serve humanity and follow the order of my Creator. All brothers and sisters are requested to pray for me to Allah to accept my repentance and grant me the true ability to live up to my determination to spend my life following the commandments of my Creator and in the service of humanity, and grant me perseverance. in that.”
Also read: Former Bigg Boss contestant Sana Khan leaves show business to ‘serve humanity’, industry friends offer support
In a 2018 interview with the Hindustan Times, Sana had expressed her dismay at not making the most of her early success in the industry and at forging strong connections in Bollywood. “Honestly, whether it’s Salman or anyone else, I don’t know how good connections are made. I don’t regret it as such, but I feel like I could have made some stronger ties when I had the chance. But I also think that just being friends with superstars and hanging out with them, you don’t become like them. If you think that way, you probably need a reality check, ”he had said.
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