Samsung has announced price cuts on various phones in India. These include the Samsung Galaxy A71, Samsung Galaxy A51, Samsung Galaxy A31, Samsung Galaxy A21s, Samsung Galaxy M01s, and Samsung Galaxy M01 Core. Price cuts of up to Rs. 1,500 have been introduced in these phones and the new revised prices are now reflected on the company’s site. The Samsung Galaxy A71 sees a price cut of Rs. 500, while the Galaxy A51 has received a price cut of Rs. 1,500.
The Samsung Galaxy A71 price in India has been revised to Rs. 29,499, instead of the previous price of Rs. 29,999. This means a price cut of Rs. 500 has been entered into the phone. It is available in a single 8GB + 128GB storage option through, Samsung Opera House, and major online portals. The phone is for sale in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush Silver, Haze Crush Silver, and Prism Crush Blue color variants.
On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy A51 sees a price cut of up to Rs. 1,500. The phone is priced at Rs. 22,999 for the 6GB + 128GB storage model and at Rs. 24,499 for the 8GB + 128GB storage option. After the latest price cut, the phone was priced at Rs. 23,999 and Rs. 25,999, respectively. The 6GB RAM model gets a price cut of Rs. 1,000, while the 8GB RAM model sees a price cut of Rs. 1,500. This phone is available through, the major online portals and Samsung Opera House as well. The Samsung Galaxy A51 is for sale in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush White, Haze Crush Silver, and Prism Crush Blue color variants.
The price of the Samsung Galaxy A31 has been revised to Rs. 19,999 for the only 6GB + 128GB storage option. This means a price cut of Rs. 1,000 have been entered since the last price drop. The new price is reflected on and also on the main online portals. Samsung has introduced additional Rs. 1000 Cashback Offer for ICICI Bank Credit Card Holders (EMI Only). This phone is available in Prism Crush Black, Prism Crush White and Prism Crush Blue color variants.
The latest in the Galaxy A series, the Samsung Galaxy A21 price in India has been revised to Rs. 14,999 for the 4GB + 64GB storage option and for Rs. 16,499 for the 6GB + 64GB storage model. A price cut of Rs. 1,500 have been introduced in the 4GB RAM model, while the 6GB RAM option sees a price cut of Rs. 1,000. The new prices are also reflected on and It appears in black, blue and white.
In the Galaxy M series, the Samsung Galaxy M01s and Samsung Galaxy M01 Core phones have received price cuts. The Samsung Galaxy M01s is now priced at Rs. 9,499, reflecting a Rs. 500 discounts from the original price. The new price is available on and This phone is available in gray and light blue options.
Lastly, the Galaxy M01 Core is now priced at Rs. 4,999 for the 1GB + 16GB storage model and Rs. 5,999 for the 2GB + 32GB storage option. Here also a price cut of Rs. 500 is featured on and
Is this the end of the Samsung Galaxy Note series as we know it? We talked about this on Orbital, our weekly tech podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.