Hyderabad: As a New Year’s gift, Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao announced on Tuesday that he has decided to increase the salaries of all state government employees. He also announced the decision to increase the retirement age and the hiring of additional staff for all government departments. Retirees will also see a hike.
Rao announced that the salary increase would benefit 9,36,976 government employees, including grant employees, employed employees, day wagers, full-time contingent employees, part-time contingent employees, domestic guards, workers. Anganwadi, contract employees, outsourcing. employees, Asha workers, Vidya volunteers, SERP employees, honoraria and pension recipients.
The salary of TSRTC employees will also be increased and the additional burden on this would be borne by the state government.
Rao announced that in addition to the salary increase, issues related to raising the retirement age, promotions, transfers, formulation of simplified service rules, extending all retirement benefits on retirement day to employees, offering them a respectful farewell and compassionate dating. be resolved at the end of February.
The Chief Minister declared that the recruitment of vacant positions in all government departments and agencies would be done from February.
The Chief Minister has established a committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar with Chief Secretary (Finance) Ramakrishna Rao and Chief Secretary for Water Resources Rajat Kumar as members to examine employee service matters and identify vacancies in each Department. The committee will study various issues and hold discussions with the employee unions and present its report in the second week of January.
The committee will also study the People’s Republic of China and advise the government on the salary review and will also examine the zonal system and related issues.
Recalling the role of the employees in the Telangana movement and also the TRS government that gave them a 42 percent installment benefit after coming to power, Rao said: “Under the united AP, all the employee affairs were plagued from problems. A controversy surrounded each issue and everyone was at the mercy of the court cases. “
He argued that due to the TRS government’s efforts, the way is clear for government employees to carry out their duties smoothly. “Now, without further delay, all employee problems must be resolved. The whole process should be completed in January-February. By March, all employees should be free of their problems. “
Due to bifurcation issues, promotions in the police and revenue departments remained stagnant. “Now those disputes are resolved.” Departmental promotion committees will be established and positions left vacant after promotions must be filled “immediately”.
He said: “It is very unfortunate that there is a delay in appointments for reasons of compassion. Family members who are grieving over the death of a family member who earns money should not run to government offices for such appointments. ”He instructed officials to complete such appointments in all departments.