The ashes of veteran actor Rishi Kapoor were dipped in the Banganga tank here on Sunday, his older brother Randhir Kapoor said. Rishi Kapoor died at the age of 67 on April 30 at H N Reliance Hospital in South Mumbai, after a two-year battle with leukemia.
In photos and videos circulating online, Rishi Kapoor’s wife Neetu Kapoor, son Ranbir Kapoor with girlfriend Alia Bhatt, daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, and filmmaker Ayan Mukerji were seen dipping their ashes.
Randhir Kapoor said a prayer meeting was held for the actor on Saturday. “We met in prayer yesterday. Today we are dipping his ashes in Banganga as we have not received permission from the authorities to go to Haridwar, “Randhir Kapoor told PTI.
An image has gone viral on social media, where Rishi Kapoor’s actor-son Ranbir and his wife Neetu are seen sitting next to his photograph. According to family sources, the daughter of actor Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, who was unable to attend the funeral because she was traveling from Delhi by road, was present at the prayer meeting. “There were not many people, just five and six family members,” said the source.
See also | Rishi Kapoor prayer meeting: Neetu Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor pay tribute to veteran actor, see photo
Rishi Kapoor had returned to India last September after undergoing cancer treatment in the United States for almost a year. He was hospitalized twice in February.
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