New Delhi: In a breakthrough, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) had access to a WhatsApp chat that revealed that Sushant Singh Rajput’s close aide Samuel Miranda knew of the two arrested drug traffickers Basit Parihar and Zaid Vilatra. In fact, they also met in Bandra in Mumbai and bought a pack of medicines for 10,000 rupees.
According to sources, Rhea Chakraborty’s brother, Showik Chakraborty, was a friend of Basit and had introduced him to Samuel for the drug supply. Basit then introduced Samuel to Zaid. After which, Zaid directly used to supply drugs to Samuel. Sources also added that Samuel often used to send his staff to collect drugs from Zaid and sometimes he would go himself.
Basit Parihar and Zaid Vilatra have already been detained by the NCB. Meanwhile, another drug dealer has been arrested in Goa.
So far, the NCB investigation has established a drug conspiracy link with Showik and Samuel and it has been known that the agency may summon the duo for questioning. Based on the questioning and arrests, the NCB will now investigate Rhea Chakraborty’s drug conspiracy link.
Meanwhile, a parallel investigation will also be set up to find out if Rhea pushed Sushant into depression first under a conspiracy and when the situation got worse, she made him addicted to drugs. Sushant’s family has accused her of complicity in suicide and the investigation will reveal the truth.
The NCB has already filed a criminal case against Rhea, Showik, their talent manager Jaya Saha, and a Goa-based hotelier, Gaurav Arya, under various sections of the NDPS Act.
Rhea and Gaurav Arya allegedly exchanged messages about drug use. Her deleted WhatsApp chats hinted at a possible drug conspiracy in the Sushant case.
Gaurav Arya has been summoned by the Directorate of Execution (ED) and appeared for questioning on Monday and Tuesday. ED is recording your return under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).
However, he has claimed that he had never met Sushant, but said that he had met Rhea once in 2017. He also claimed that he has no connection to Sushant’s case.