Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty filed a bond statement with a special court on Wednesday under the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) after she was arrested by the NCB on Tuesday (September 8) in connection to a drug case related to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput.
Rhea decided to go to special court after a trial court rejected her release on bail on Tuesday. In the new petition, filed by Rhea’s lawyer, Satish Maneshinde, the actress has claimed that she has not committed any crime.
“She has not committed any crime and has been falsely implicated in the case,” the statement read. Furthermore, it is alleged that Rhea “was compelled to make self-incriminating confessions and, by her September 8 request, the applicant has formally retracted all such incriminating confessions.”
“There was not a single female officer who questioned the present applicant as required by law. The Honorable Supreme Court in the case of Sheela Barse VS State Maharashtra, has held that the interrogation of women should be carried out only in the presence of a police officer / police officer ”, the bail request reads, noting that the NCB itself did not follow Supreme Court guidelines.
Rhea’s attorney has also raised the issue of the applicability of the Section 27 A charges of the NDPS Act against Rhea, saying: “The allegations against the current defendant, at the most, would constitute a case of purchasing a small amount of drugs that is in essence a bailable crime. There is not a shred of evidence linking the applicant to the financing of illicit trafficking or the protection of an offender, and therefore the ingredients of Section 27A of the NDPS Act are not established in the current facts and circumstances. ” .
“The defendant (NCB) is silent on the amount of funding, the amount of drugs and the type of drugs allegedly purchased and financed by the present applicant. The defendant’s case in the lay term is that the plaintiff would coordinate the delivery of the drugs for her then boyfriend and occasionally pay for them herself. In essence, her supposed role, if any, is to purchase a small quantity of drugs for her then-boyfriend, which would come directly within the purview of Section 20 (b) (ii) (A) (produces, manufactures, possesses, sells, buys, transports, imports interstate, exports interstate or consumes cannabis,) which is punishable by a maximum prison sentence of up to one year or a fine or both, ”reads the bail statement presented by the attorney for Rhea.
The special court will hear Rhea’s application for bail on Thursday.
Rhea was arrested by the NCB after three days of questioning. Shortly after her arrest, Rhea was placed in judicial custody for 14 days by a local court. The actress was transferred to Mumbai Byculla Jail on Wednesday after spending a night at the NCB office.