Republic TV editor Arnab Goswami was placed in 14-day custody by an Alibaug court on Wednesday night. Hours earlier, Mumbai police had arrested Arnab for allegedly instigating the suicide of a 53-year-old interior designer for alleged failure to pay fees.
After Arnab’s arrest in Mumbai, he was taken to Alibaug and brought before a court there. According to media reports, he also underwent a medical examination.
Arnab has reportedly already applied for bail and his guilty plea will be heard by the Alibaug court on Thursday.
Arnab’s latest problem dates back to at least May, when Maharashtra’s Interior Minister Anil Deshmukh announced a new investigation after a new complaint from Adnya Naik, daughter of architect Anvay Naik. Adnya had accused the Alibaug police of failing to investigate Republic’s alleged non-payment of fees, which she said led to her father and grandmother committing suicide in May 2018.
According to a report by Republic TV, more than a dozen Mumbai police officers arrived at Arnab’s residence without a subpoena, documents or court papers. He also claimed that the police abused him and pushed him into his truck during his arrest. The police also reportedly prevented senior managers Niranjan Narayanswamy and Sanjay Pathak from entering the journalist’s residence.
The policy immediately followed Arnab’s arrest with national and local BJP leaders supporting the Republic TV editor, while Shiv Sena and NCP defended the MVA government’s action.