Google released the first stable version of Android 11 for its Pixel line earlier this month. Since then, various Android OEMs have introduced their Android 11-based custom Android skins and rolled out beta versions for some popular devices. The Chinese smartphone giant OPPO showed off ColorOS 11 based on Android 11 about a week ago and we had the opportunity to see a beta version of our Find X2 Pro. Now, Realme has announced Realme UI 2.0 based on Android 11 and includes some of the new features introduced in ColorOS 11.
New customization features in Realme UI 2.0
Realme claims that the second version of its custom Android skin is the most “open” smartphone operating system, which aims to help users fully customize the user interface of their smartphone. The update provides support for third-party launchers and icon packs, to help users give their smartphones a unique look.
Realme UI 2.0 also includes a new global theme color, which will allow users to define accent colors for their smartphones. The feature will give users access to 5 types of color series and 10 unique colors to customize the icons and configuration switches of their device. On top of that, the improved Android skin packs include a variety of AOD customizations, font and icon customization options, and an improved dark mode. The new dark mode will give users the option to choose one of three new styles to suit their needs. It will also give users the option to darken the wallpaper and icons.
As with other recently announced Android custom skins, Realme UI 2.0 also includes all the new Android 11 features such as support for bubble notifications, redesigned media controls in the quick settings panel, an output switch for media, etc.
Performance improvements and privacy features
Realme UI 2.0 also includes a number of performance enhancements and privacy features to make the software more efficient and provide better protection for user data. For privacy, Realme has introduced a new set of additional data security and privacy protection features called “Deep Sea Privacy”.
The features can help protect users’ personal information from being leaked to any app by providing them with a blank ID, help users store sensitive personal information and files in a private locker, and ensure that payments made in the software are protected from malicious activities. Furthermore, Realme UI 2.0 can also protect users from fraudulent messages and advertisements. The suite also includes a System Cloner that will help users keep their work and personal life separate on their smartphone. Users will be able to access these separate profiles by setting different fingerprints for each profile.
To make Realme UI 2.0 more efficient, the company has included several convenient ways for users to share and multitask. These include features like the ability to easily share screenshots with other users and attach the correct captions to each frame, floating and mini window to help users multitask with multiple applications open at the same time, and a new Sleep feature. Capsule, which will help users lock their phone at a certain time and help them get a good night’s rest. Realme further claims that with Realme UI 2.0, they have managed to improve system resource utilization by 45%, increase overall system speed by 32%, and increase frame rate stability by 17%.
Realme UI 2.0, with these new features and improvements, makes its debut with the new Realme Narzo 20 Series today. The company has revealed that the software will be coming to older Realme devices in the coming weeks, but we haven’t received a release schedule from the company yet. Keep an eye out for our Realme UI 2.0 coverage to find out when your device might receive the latest software update from the Android 11-based company.
Android 11 Update Tracker: List of top phones with the latest version.