Rajnath Singh approves the abolition of 9,304 posts in the Military Engineering Service


Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has approved a proposal to abolish 9,304 posts in the Military Engineering Service (MES), the Defense Ministry said Thursday.

This is in line with Lt. Gen. D.B. Shekatkar Committee (Retired), which suggested measures to improve combat capabilities and rebalance the expenses of the armed forces.

“In line with the recommendations made by the Committee, based on the proposal of the Chief Engineer, MES, the proposal to abolish 9,304 positions in MES of the total of 13,157 vacancies of basic and industrial personnel has been approved by the Minister of Defense” , the ministry said in a statement.

One of the recommendations was to restructure the civilian workforce so that the MES’s work could be done in part by the department’s staff and other jobs could be outsourced, he said.

His goal was to make the MES an effective organization with a more agile workforce, well equipped to handle complex problems on the emerging stage in an efficient and cost-effective manner, he added.

The 11-member committee, appointed by the late Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar in 2016 with a broad mandate, had made around 99 recommendations from optimizing the defense budget to the need for a Chief of Defense Staff.

The recommendations, if implemented over the next five years, can generate savings of up to Rs 25 billion in defense spending. Of these, the first batch of 65 Army-related recommendations was approved in August 2017.

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