New Delhi:
Punjab Prime Minister Amarinder Singh said on Thursday that Rahul Gandhi’s departure from a Parliamentary Defense Committee meeting was “fully justified” and stressed that the panel should have discussed strategic security issues.
On Wednesday, Gandhi withdrew from a panel meeting, claiming time was being wasted discussing the military uniform rather than the crucial issue of national security.
The Punjab CM urged the Lok Sabha spokesperson to investigate the committee’s operation, calling it “absurd” and members discussed “the type of polish to be used on the buttons and shoes of the uniform rather than strategizing on ways to wear it. counteract the joint China-Pakistan threat.
“With China and Pakistan breathing into India, the committee should have been discussing strategic security issues and the urgent requirements of our forces and not the polish they need to polish their shoes and buttons,” Amarinder Singh said in a statement.
“People who don’t know anything about the defense forces are obligated to join these committees now and we hope they protect the nation,” he joked. He expressed shock that political affiliations were guiding the panel’s operation.
“Politicians without knowledge of our history and armed forces are sitting on the committee,” he said.
The president must understand that what is done or discussed in these committee meetings is in the best interest of the nation and must not behave in that “petty manner,” said the CM.
Rahul Gandhi was right to withdraw from the meeting that instead of talking about what the forces need to combat the threat from China and Pakistan, he was discussing “trivial” issues, Amarinder Singh said.