New Delhi: The Delhi government on Thursday launched an electronic token service for those seeking to buy liquor in the national capital. The electronic token system will mention the time interval in which people can go to a nearby liquor store and buy alcohol.
The e-token system was launched to stop overcrowding outside of liquor stores and maintain social distancing.
e-token for liquor in Delhi
- Login to www.qtoken.in
- Alternatively, log in at https://www.qtoken.in/liquor/apply/
- Click on ‘Request liquor purchase tokenButton ’
- Mention your name, phone number
- e-token will be sent to the registered mobile phone number
- Take the electronic token to the nearby store and buy liquor without saturating the store
- Only 50 people per hour can take the token
In particular, only 160 independent liquor stores are opened in Delhi.
“Anyone can request an electronic token through the link https://www.qtoken.in,” the Delhi government had said yesterday in a statement.
“To curb violations of social distancing rules, overcrowding and public policy issues during liquor sales in the city, the Delhi government decided to introduce the electronic token system,” the statement added.
However, the website had been blocked within hours of its launch. To this, the government responded saying that “there is a great hurry at present, it will get up soon.” The website, however, was not working at the time of writing.
States like Punjab and Chhattisgarh have even started to deliver liquor at home.
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