Amritsar: Punjab Prime Minister Amarinder Singh applauded locals for coming to the aid of an Indian Air Force pilot after a MiG-29 fighter jet crashed in Hoshiarpur district on Friday (8 May) in the morning. The Chief Minister also attached a video where the locals were seen tending to the pilot and shielding him from the scorching sun by making a makeshift tent with his turbans.
“I am relieved to learn that the @IAF_MCC pilot was ejected to a safe place in Hoshiarpur after his MIG-29 crashed today. Thank the local people for immediately coming to the aid of the pilot. Proud of you all!” Punjab chief minister said in a tweet
I am relieved to know that @IAF_MCC pilot ejected to safety in Hoshiarpur after his MIG-29 crashed today. Thank the local people for immediately coming to the aid of the pilot. Proud of you all! pic.twitter.com/fcno2yQDck
– Capt.Amarinder Singh (@capt_amarinder) May 8, 2020
An Indian Air Force (IAF) MiG-29 fighter jet crashed near Nawanshahr in Punjab on Friday morning. The MiG-29 pilot was ejected after the plane developed a technical problem and did not respond. The pilot, identified as Wing Commander MK Pandey, was safely ejected and rescued, an official said.
The plane, which took off from the Adampur Air Force Station near Jalandhar, was on a training mission. According to PTI, the accident took place around 10:30 a.m.
An IAF spokesperson confirmed that the MiG-29 aircraft was on a training mission from an Air Force base near Jalandhar. “The aircraft had developed a technical problem and the pilot safely ejected as he was unable to control the aircraft,” he said.
The official said the pilot was rescued by a helicopter and an investigative tribunal was ordered to investigate the cause of the accident.
It should be remembered that the IAF has lost several MiG 21 trainers and MiG 29 fighter jets in accidents due to technical problems in recent years.