The DMA proposes to increase the retirement age of Colonels from 54 to 57, of Brigadiers from 56 to 58 and of Major Generals from 58 to 59. The same applies to equivalent ranks in other Services
In a significant reform of the armed forces, the Department of Military Affairs (DMA), headed by the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS), General Bipin Rawat, has initiated proposals to increase the retirement age of officers and also reduce the pension of officers. opt for early retirement (PMR).
The DMA proposes to increase the retirement age of Colonels from 54 to 57, of Brigadiers from 56 to 58 and of Major Generals from 58 to 59. The same applies to equivalent ranks in other Services.
“It is proposed that a draft of the Government Sanction Letter (GSL) can be kindly processed for reading by the Secretary DMA before November 10,” says a letter issued by the Office of the Secretary DMA dated 29 November October. The retirement age for Junior Commissioned Officers) and Other Ranks in the Logistics, Technical and Medical branches is also proposed to increase to 57 years.
Pension review
The DMA noted that a large number of staff withdrew due to fewer vacancies and some service restrictions. He said that at the same time, there were several specialists and super specialists who were trained for highly qualified jobs in the services that left the Services to work in other sectors. “Such a loss of highly skilled labor results in a gap in the Services skills matrix and is counterproductive for the armed forces,” the letter said, adding that in light of this it had been decided to review pension rights.
It is proposed to review the pension in four blocks for PMR personnel.
For 20-25 years of service: 50% of the entitled pension; for 26-30 years of service – 60% of the entitled pension, for 31-35 years of service – 75% of the entitled pension and full pension for 35 years and more of service. “There will be no changes to the pension rights of the battle victims,” the letter said.
Lately, there has been concern about the increase in the pension bill after the award of One Rank One Pension (OROP). Given this, Gen Rawat, had ordered studies to increase the retirement age of specialized officers and cadres. The proposed measures generated strong responses from the veteran community on social media.