Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched ‘Har Ghar Nal Yojna’ (tap water for all households), for Sonbhadra and Mirzapur in the Vindhya region of Uttar Pradesh via video conference on Sunday, while Prime Minister Yogi Adityanath was present at Sonbhadra.
The Rs 5,555.38 crore plan aims to provide water to more than 41 lakh of villagers in two districts.
“This region is full of natural resources, but it has always been ignored since independence. Despite the fact that the region has many rivers, it is known for its depth. However, this government addressed the problem of water scarcity and as a result, ‘Har Ghar Jal Yojana’ was launched today, “said Prime Minister Modi.
The prime minister also said that all villages are being empowered under this government, adding that priority is being given to making villagers, tribal and poor self-sufficient.
“Self-sufficient villages give strength to a self-sufficient India,” added Prime Minister Modi.
According to a government press release, under ‘Har Ghar Nal Yojna’, the Yogi Adityanath government will guarantee piped water supply to 2,995 villages in two districts of the region.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that since independence to date, only 398 villages have piped water supplies. Now 2,995 villages will benefit from the Jal Jeevan mission’s ‘Har Ghar Nal plan’.
The plan will benefit 21,87980 residents of Mirzapur. In Sonbhadra, 19,53,458 families will benefit from the plan. The water from the lakes and rivers will be purified and supplied to the Sonbhadra families.
Rs 3212.18 crore and Rs 2343.20 crore will be spent under the scheme in Sonbhadra and Mirzapur respectively. The total cost of the plan is 5555.38 crore.
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According to engineers from the Jal Shakti Ministry, a total of 41,41,438 families will benefit from the scheme in both districts. The scheme will be completed within the next two years and water supply will begin, he added.
After the event, CM Yogi will participate in the Gopastami event at Tada Falls Go Ashray Sthal in Mirzapur.
At the event, the CM will present a fee check to women who make school uniforms under the direction of Pt Deendayal Upadhyaya Antyoday Yojna. He will also offer prayers at the Maa Vindhyavsini temple and will also inspect some projects under construction.