Prime Minister Narendra Modi released a special 100 rupee coin this morning to honor the legacy of Vijaya Raje Scindia, founding leader of the ruling BJP, on his 100th birthday. Linking its motto for a self-sufficient India (Atma Nirbhar Bharat) to his legacy, the Prime Minister said: “A safe, secure and prosperous Bharat it was Rajmata’s dream. We will realize this dream with a self-sufficient India. “
Vijaya Raje Scindia witnessed “the major political events in India, from the struggle for independence to decades after the country’s independence,” Prime Minister Modi said. “In the last 60 years, Rajmata Scindia was one of the key political figures who showed the leadership. She was a decisive leader and a capable administrator. From the burning of foreign clothing before independence to Ram Mandir AndolanHis experience had been vast, ”he emphasized.
“It is so wonderful that Ramjanmabhoomi what she fought for, that dream has also come true in the year that marks the centenary of her birth, “PM Modi said in a virtual ceremony held to launch a commemorative coin.
“She showed that public service (Jan Satta) is more important than holding on to power (Raj satta). She was a member of royalty, but spent significant years of her life in prison. During Emergency, she wrote a letter to her daughters, “shared PM Modi.
Recalling the content of the letter, the Prime Minister said it gave a key lesson that “future generations should be able to draw inspiration as we make sacrifices while dealing with our current struggles.”
“For future generations, he had put aside all his comforts. Because of his position or reputation, he never chose political power over ideology,” shared Prime Minister Modi.
Earlier this year, Vijaye Raje Scindia’s grandson, Jyotiraditya Scindia, had ended his decades-long association with Congress to join the BJP.
BJP MLA Yashodhara Raje, the daughter of Vijay Raje Scindia and the aunt of Jyotiraditya Scindia, praised Mr. Scindia for a step “taken in (the) national interest” and called him “ghar wapsi (Homecoming) “.” This is ghar wapsi (Homecoming). The way he has been received by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and (Union Interior Minister) Amit Shah shows his respect for Rajmata (Vijaya Raje Scindia), “he told reporters.