PlayStation 5 will launch in India on February 2 with pre-orders for the PS5 starting January 12 at 12pm IST. Sony shared the development on Twitter via its PlayStation India account and said that pre-orders will be open while supplies last. The console was originally launched in select regions on November 12 and in the rest of the world (except India) on November 19, 2020. It was supposed to have a “late 2020” launch in India, but this clearly did not happen, with a shortage of stocks. The BIS certification, and the issue of copyright are some of the explanations that were rumored. Now finally the console will hit the Indian market. Additionally, according to a new report, 3.4 million units of the PS5 were sold in its first month, making it the highest for any PlayStation console.
PlayStation 5 India launch, price and preorder
Sony has Announced on Twitter that the PS5 will launch in India on February 2. Pre-orders will begin on January 12 at 12pm and will be available on Amazon, Flipkart, Croma, Reliance Digital, Games The Shop, Shop at Sony Center, Vijay Sales, and select authorized retail partners.
The company announced Indian pricing ahead of launch. The digital edition of the PS5 will cost Rs. 39,990 and the standard edition with a disk drive will cost Rs. 49,990.
Sony released the PS5 in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and other regions on November 12 and November 19 for the rest of the world. Although India was part of the original list of countries for the November 19 launch, the date was removed from the official website and the console did not see the light of day in the country.
World record sales for PS5
According to a report by Gematsu, 3.4 million units of PlayStation 5 were shipped in the first four weeks, making it the best-selling PlayStation console ever. The console launched in multiple regions on November 12, including the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and more, and demand has been high since Sony opened pre-orders. For the regions where it was released, such as North America and Europe, it was quite difficult for people to order the console as Sony was unable to restock the shelves (both virtual and physical) to meet demand and the console. It is sold out most of the time.
The report added that Sony is expected to allocate more PlayStation 5 units for Asian markets after January 2021. Hopefully, the situation will be better in terms of pre-orders and availability in India, and not as complicated as in other regions. Sony had also He apologized for the status of pre-orders in countries where the console originally had a release date and had promised to provide more units to meet demand.
Despite this shortage, the company was able to set a new sales record for its PlayStation console. The report also indicates that Sony is expected to ship 16.8 million to 18 million units of the PS5 in 2021 if the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) and backend service companies can provide additional capacity support. The PS5’s 7nm CPU is produced by AMD, and the company has reportedly sourced the necessary components from TSMC to allow production partners to increase the console’s output.
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