Three Ram Dev International promoters, not long ago hired by the CBI for allegedly dishonest a consortium of six banks for the sum of Rs 411 million, have already fled the country before the State Bank of India came to the company with criticism , officers mentioned on Saturday.
The CBI not long ago booked the company that exports Basmati rice to international locations in West Asia and Europe and its managers Naresh Kumar, Suresh Kumar and Sangita on the premise of criticism from the State Bank of India (SBI). , who suffered the lack of more than Rs 173 crore, they mentioned.
The company had three rice milling crops, plus eight grading and sorting models in the Karnal district with workplaces in Saudi Arabia and Dubai for buy and sell functions, the OSE critic said.
In addition to SBI, the different members of the consortium are Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, IDBI, Central Bank of India and Corporation Bank, they mentioned.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) did not conduct a search on the matter due to the coronavirus-induced blockade, officials said.
The company will begin the method of summoning the accused, in case they are not part of the investigation, it is likely that an applicable authorized motion will be initiated, they said.
According to SBI criticism, the account had become an unprofitable asset (NPA) on January 27, 2016.
The banks carried out a joint inspection of the properties in August and October, almost 7-9 months later, only to find that Haryana police security guards were deployed there, they said.
“In an investigation, it has been noted that borrowers are escaping and have left the country,” the criticism said on February 25, 2020, after more than 12 months of account change to NPA, officials said.
Criticism alleged that debtors had removed the entire equipment from the previous plant and falsified the stability sheets to illegally achieve the price of bank funds, he said.