Only paid quarantine facilities for passengers landing at Delhi airport


The Delhi government issued a “revised order” on Thursday on guidelines for handling foreign passengers arriving at Delhi airport.

The previous order issued on Wednesday had given a choice of home quarantine or government quarantine facility, which is free, as an option for passengers to undergo the mandatory 14-day quarantine. The revised order only mentions “paid institutional quarantine centers” as an option for passengers.

“Passengers will be quarantined in a paid institutional quarantine center. In addition, under the new order, passengers from other states will also be quarantined for 14 days by the Delhi government, “said a Delhi government official. The Hindu.

The previous order had said that passengers who are not residents of Delhi can be served by Resident Commissioners and nodal officers from their respective states, including “boarding and accommodation in Delhi and transportation to their respective states”.

The process

Passengers leaving a flight will be escorted by airline staff to the health desks of the Airport Health Organization (APHO) for an initial thermal evaluation, where symptomatic passengers would be isolated and transported to designated hospitals.

After the review, the remaining asymptomatic passengers will be able to transfer to the designated immigration counters with passports and a copy of the SRF (self-report form).

After immigration clearance, immigration officials will retain passenger passports, and passengers in batches of 30 will be handed over to an escort team led by an officer from the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). Passports would be delivered to the team leader and not to passengers.

Passengers will then move to the luggage belts to collect the luggage and the passengers will proceed through customs. Passengers will be transferred to the designated triage area manned by Delhi government officials. Here, the passports for the entire lot will be delivered to the medical officer in charge at the counter.

After checks, the passports for the entire lot will be handed over to the escort team, which will take them to the designated quarantine center on buses provided by the Delhi government.

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