OnePlus 8 Pro Color Filter Camera can see through clothing, solid objects


First discovered by Max Weinbach from the XDA developers, the OnePlus 8 Pro can see through certain surfaces thanks to its custom 5MP sensor that lacks the usual color and IR filters to produce artistic images. And it seems that you can also do it with certain types of clothing.

In a brief investigation by AndroidPITThe fourth camera on the back of the OnePlus 8 Pro can see through some surfaces if the right conditions are met. How? Well, the standard cameras we use have color filters, because the sensors would naturally only detect the amount of light hitting them instead of the colors, and they also have an IR filter to block light that is outside the visible spectrum. OnePlus, on the other hand, decided to remove both by making a camera sensitive to IR light.

OnePlus color filter mode
OnePlus color filter mode

OnePlus color filter mode

And since materials absorb light depending on wavelength, some objects may appear transparent when pointed at by the OnePlus 8 Pro’s camera. Even if they are not transparent to the naked eye. In much the same way that the human body is transparent to X-rays. So if you have enough sunlight (infrared light) that shines on the object and of course the material is correct, it would appear transparent.

In any case, it is highly unlikely that you will be able to see through the clothes of people walking down the street. Otherwise this cool effect could have turned into a proper privacy nightmare.

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