New Delhi: Veteran star Dharmendra turned 85 on Tuesday (December 8). On their special day, their children Bobby Deol and Esha Deol took to social media to post beautiful wishes for their father. “I love you dad … Happy birthday,” Bobby Deol wrote as he shared an old photo with Dharmendra. It features the twinning of the father-son duo with matching black shirts.
Esha Deol’s post also featured them twinning in white and blue. She wrote: “Holding on to this hand for eternity. I love you dad. Happy birthday. I wish you happiness and the best health forever.”
Meanwhile, on Dharmendra’s special day, we have also collected some invisible photos of him with his family. We bet you haven’t seen these photos. Have a look:
Sunny and Bobby Deol are the children of Dharmendra with his first wife Prakash Kaur, whom he married in 1954. Apart from Sunny and Bobby, the couple is the father of their daughters Vijayta and Ajeeta.
Dharmendra, in 1979, married actress Hema Malini, but did not divorce Prakash Kaur. Esha and Ahana Deol are his daughters.
Dharmendra is one of the most famous Bollywood actors. He has completed more than 60 years in the industry.
Happy birthday, Dharmendra!