Mumbai: The Mumbai High Court on Saturday reserved its order on Republic TV editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami’s declaration of provisional bail. When his attorney Harish Salve insisted that provisional relief be granted, the court said it would reserve the orders and issue them sometime next week. The division bank assured that the court will pronounce the order as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, the court said Goswami can move the court of sessions to get regular bail in the meantime.
The court clarified that the processing of the case in the Superior Court will not be an impediment for the petitioners to request a regular bond under article 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure before the corresponding court. If such a request is filed, the court ordered, the appropriate court must decide the same within four days after filing.
After listening to the arguments of all the parties for more than six hours, the division bench of Judges SS Shinde and MS Karnik said: “We will pass the order as soon as possible. The processing of this matter does not prevent you (Goswami) or the other accused of going to the lower court in question in search of a regular bond. “
The higher court was hearing petitions from Goswami, a high-profile television journalist, and two other defendants, Feroze Shaikh and Nitish Sarda, requesting provisional bail and questioning their “illegal arrest”.
The trio were arrested by Alibaug police in Maharashtra’s Raigad district on November 4 in connection with the suicide of architect and interior designer Anvay Naik and his mother in 2018 over alleged non-payment of fees by the respective firms. of the accused. The petitions also sought the suspension of the investigation and the annulment of the FIR.
Meanwhile, the court also requested a response from the state government to a petition filed by Anvay Naik’s daughter, Adnya Naik, seeking a new investigation by an independent agency. It will be heard on December 8.