Allu Arjun and his family, on Monday (December 7), flew to Udaipur to attend Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya’s big destination wedding. The Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo star shared a series of images that were clicked during her trip to the wedding ceremony and went viral on the internet. Niharika will marry her fiance Chaitanya Jonnalagedda at the Udaivilas Palace in Udaipur on December 9.
Niharika’s immediate family and friends have already reached the destination. Since yesterday (December 5), the pre-wedding rituals are carried out in full swing in the respective houses of the bride and groom.
Allu Arjun shared a photo of himself with his wife Sneha Reddy and their children Arha and Ayaan posing in front of their chartered flight. He wrote: “Flying together as a family after years. N&C wedding celebrations begin … #allufamily (sic).”
He also posted a beautiful photo of his wife Sneha Reddy in a black suit and captioned it “cute.”
Here’s the post:
Earlier today, Varun Tej took to Instagram to share an adorable selfie with Sister Niharika and other family members as they headed to the wedding. He wrote: “Come on! # Udaipur # wedding (sic)”.
There will reportedly be a sangeet ceremony in which she will shake one leg with Chaitanya. His brother Varun and his cousins Sai Dharam Tej, Vaisshnav Tej, Allu Arjun and Ram Charan can perform alongside Megastar Chiranjeevi.
The muhurat will take place at 7.15pm on December 9, which will be followed by a reception at 8.30pm.
In August, Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya Jonnalagedda got engaged at a luxurious hotel in Hyderabad. Tollywood celebrities Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, Allu Arjun and Sai Dharam Tej attended the engagement following the rules of social distancing.
Chaitanya Jonnalagedda is the son of Guntur Police Inspector M. Prabhakara Rao. He was born and raised in Hyderabad. Chaitanya completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees at BITS Pilani and the Indian School of Business.
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