Coronavirus Guidelines: COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed in some states, the Interior Ministry said.
New Delhi:
On Wednesday, the central government called on states to step up efforts to contain coronavirus cases, especially in areas where an increase has been reported in recent weeks. By issuing a set of guidelines that will go into effect on December 1, the Interior Ministry suggested measures that include local restrictions such as nighttime curfews, stricter enforcement of containment zones, and encouragement of behavior “appropriate for Covid. “.
The center said states can impose additional fines and restrictions on gatherings, but there can be no closures outside the containment zones without their permission.
The government calls for stricter enforcement of existing rules, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and said it will issue formal rules for weekly markets and bazaars.
The number of coronavirus cases in India surpassed 90 lakh last week with an increase in places like New Delhi, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, where hospitals came under increasing pressure.
India, the second most affected country in the world, has now also recorded more than 1.34 lakh deaths from COVID-19, according to the latest official figures, which are seen to underestimate the true magnitude of the infection.
The country has seen a drop in daily cases over the past month, but it still records around 45,000 new infections on average every day.
New Delhi, facing the double scourge of winter pollution and coronavirus, has seen infections skyrocket to nearly 5.5 lakh with a record rise in daily cases.
The capital’s government quadrupled fines for not wearing a mask or violating safety rules to control the outbreak.
Several other states such as Punjab, Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh have announced night curfews.
The center has dispatched special teams to help bring the cases to various states and Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with the top ministers of the eight worst affected on Tuesday.
India imposed a strict lockdown in March, but the restrictions have been gradually eased as the government seeks to restart the economy after the loss of billions of jobs.
Experts say this has helped spread the disease, as has a general reluctance to wear masks, maintain physical detachment, and celebrate during the holiday season.
Here is the full text of the official government statement:
The Ministry of the Interior (MHA) today issued an Order with Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Precaution, which will enter into force as of December 1, 2020 and will remain in force until December 31, 2020.
The main focus of the Guidelines is to consolidate the substantial gains that have been made against the spread of COVID-19, which is visible in the steady decline in the number of active cases in the country. Furthermore, considering the recent increase in new cases in some States / UT, the ongoing festival season and the onset of winter, it is emphasized that to fully overcome the pandemic, it is necessary to remain cautious and strictly follow the containment strategy. prescribed. focused on surveillance, containment and strict compliance with the guidelines / SOPs issued by the MHA and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW). Local, police and municipal authorities will be responsible for ensuring that the prescribed containment measures are strictly followed . States and UT, based on their assessment of the situation, may impose local restrictions, with a view to containing the spread of COVID-19.
Surveillance and containment
The states / UT to ensure the careful demarcation of the Containment Zones by the district authorities, at the micro level, taking into consideration the guidelines prescribed by the MoHFW in this regard. The list of containment zones will be notified on the websites by the respective district collectors and by the states / UT. This list will also be shared with MoHFW.
Within the demarcated Containment Zones, the containment measures prescribed by the MoHFW will be scrupulously followed, including:
Only essential activities will be allowed in the Containment Zones.
There will be a strict perimeter control to ensure that there is no movement of people in or out of these areas, except for medical emergencies and to maintain the supply of essential goods and services.
There will be intensive house-to-house surveillance by surveillance teams trained for this purpose.
The tests will be performed according to the prescribed protocol.
The contact listing will be carried out for all individuals who test positive, along with their tracking, identification, quarantine, and contact tracking for 14 days (80 percent of contacts will be tracked within 72 hours).
Prompt isolation of COVID-19 patients in home / treatment facilities should be ensured (subject to adherence to home isolation guidelines).
Clinical interventions will be administered as prescribed.
Surveillance of ILI / SARI cases will be carried out in health facilities or mobile extension units or through fever clinics in the buffer zones.
Awareness will be raised in communities about appropriate COVID-19 behavior.
Municipal, police and local district authorities will be responsible for ensuring that prescribed containment measures are strictly followed and state / UT governments will ensure the accountability of stakeholders in this regard.
Appropriate behavior for COVID
State / UT governments will take all necessary steps to promote appropriate COVID-19 behavior and ensure strict enforcement of the use of face masks, hand hygiene, and social distancing.
To enforce the basic requirement to wear face masks, States and UTs may consider administrative actions, including imposing appropriate fines, on people who do not wear face masks in public and work spaces.
For the observance of social distancing in crowded places, especially in markets, weekly bazaars and public transport, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) will issue an SOP, which will be strictly enforced by the States and UT.
The National Guidelines for the Management of COVID-19 will continue to be followed throughout the country, in order to enforce proper behavior of COVID-19.
Strict compliance with prescribed SOPs
All activities outside the Containment Zones have been allowed, except the following, which have been allowed with certain restrictions:
International passenger air travel, as permitted by MHA.
Movie theaters and theaters, with up to 50 percent capacity.
Pools, only for athletes training.
Showrooms, for business-to-business (B2B) purposes only.
Social / religious / sports / entertainment / educational / cultural / religious gatherings, with up to a maximum of 50 percent of the capacity of the room, with a maximum limit of 200 people in closed spaces; and keep the size of the land / space in sight, in open spaces.
However, based on their assessment of the situation, state / UT governments may lower the maximum limit to 100 people or less, indoors.
For everyone’s information, the Guidelines include a list of 19 SOPs that have been issued periodically to regulate permitted activities. These SOPs will be strictly applied by the interested authorities, who will be responsible for their strict compliance.
Local restrictions
States and UT, based on their assessment of the situation, may impose local restrictions, with a view to containing the spread of COVID-19, such as a night curfew. However, state / UT governments will not impose any local (state / district / subdivision / city level) blockades, outside of the containment zones, without prior consultation with the central government.
States and UT must also enforce social distancing at offices. In cities, where the weekly Case Positivity Rate is more than 10 percent, the States and UTs involved should consider implementing staggered office hours and other appropriate measures, with a view to reducing the number of employees who attend the office at the same time, thus ensuring distancing.
No restrictions on interstate and intrastate movement
No restrictions will be placed on the interstate and intrastate movement of people and goods, including those destined for cross-border trade under treaties with neighboring countries. No separate electronic permission / approval / permission will be required for such moves.
Protection of vulnerable people
Vulnerable people, i.e. people over 65 years of age, people with comorbidities, pregnant women and children under 10 years of age, are advised to stay at home, except to meet essential requirements and for reasons of Health.
Use of Aarogya Setu
The use of the Aarogya Setu mobile application will continue to be encouraged.