The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday carried out raids at several locations in Srinagar, including the office of Greater Kashmir newspaper and the residence of human rights activist Khurram Parvaiz in Sonwar in connection with “unaccounted for funding”. The offices of the NGO Athrout are also being raided.
The NIA has registered a new case to investigate NGO fundraising activities: who funds them and where the funds are channeled. Hawala riot, embezzlement and terrorist financing are among the accusations against these NGOs, officials said.
In 2016, Khurram Parvez was arrested from his home in Srinagar, fueling a controversy as it was alleged that he was detained without any formal arrest warrant. He was detained for 76 days even after a court of sessions ordered his release, as he was arrested again under the Public Safety Act.
In 2019, the NIA questioned Greater Kashmir’s editor-in-chief Fayaz Kaloo about some articles that appeared in the newspaper after Burhan Wani’s death.