September 7, 2020 12:55:49 pm
President Ram Nath Kovind in his virtual address on NEP 2020. (Source: Youtube / NarendraModi)
There will be a new curriculum for teacher education by 2021. This will include integrated education and multidisciplinary training, India’s President Ram Nath Kovind said today while addressing virtually the Governors Conference on National Education Policy. By 2030, only high-quality education will remain in this sector, the President reported.
Teacher education is part of higher education, and states can initiate multidisciplinary and integrated teacher education programs, the president said. He also urged universities and institutes of higher education, as well as schools, to fill vacant teacher positions as soon as possible. He said the best minds should be hired as teachers and the government should guarantee respectable work and pay for them. He said that teachers are the core of politics.
Teacher training and education is an important part of the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The policy suggests several changes in teacher training and the teacher eligibility test (TET). According to NEP, by 2030, the minimum qualification required for teaching will be a four-year integrated BEd. The TET will be divided into four parts instead of the existing two parts depending on the change in the school education system. Those who qualify for TET will have to do a demonstration or appear in an interview and demonstrate their knowledge of the local language, according to the new policy.
On video | Understanding NEP 2020 in 7 minutes
He said that Indian educational institutes must develop an educational system that is future-oriented but rooted in the Indian spirit. He said NEP 2020 will help India regain its position as the ‘knowledge superpower’.
Education institutes and teachers will gain more autonomy with the new policy, reports Kovind. To promote quality education institutes, autonomy will be granted by degrees according to the policy. In this regard, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at the same conference: “Government intervention must be minimal in the new educational policy. The more teachers and students are associated with the policy, the better its functionality and its results ”.
“After deciding what the NEP should be, now there are discussions about the implementation of the new policy. NEP will not only bring changes in the way we teach and learn, but will also give a new direction to the social and economic development of India in the 21st century. It will shape the Atmanirbhar Bharat that India aspires to be, ”said the Prime Minister.
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