Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh’s wedding rumors had started with Neha’s IG story that read the lines, “Aaja shawl viyah karwaiye closure vich katt hone kharche”. However, it was later revealed that the lines were from Neha’s music video, Diamond Da Challa. After all the speculation, Neha had announced the status of her relationship with her boyfriend, Rohanpreet Singh, on her IG account. She had posted a cute photo with Rohanpreet, in which the duo looked super cute since they had twinned in black. Next to the image, Neha had written: “You are mine @rohanpreetsingh #NehuPreet”. Rohanpreet had also shared the same image and had written: “Meet my Zindagi! #NehuPreet”. (Also read: Charu Asopa accepts her husband, Rajeev’s Bengali culture, dresses as a Bengali bride in Durga Asthami)
Rumors of Neha and Rohanpreet’s wedding had been circulating for some time. Later, Neha had cleared things up by sharing the video of her first pre-wedding ceremony with Rohanpreet. On October 20, 2020, Neha took to her Instagram account and posted a video of her. roka ceremony with her boyfriend, Rohanpreet. She looked gorgeous in a lilac pink pre-draped sari dress with a contrasting mint green dupatta on the side. His gaze was completed with a maang teeka and a choker necklace. On the other hand, Rohanpreet accessorized it with a white and pale pink Indo-Western ensemble.
Social media is currently in an uproar with Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh. Haldi ceremony festivities. Whereas before, Neha and Rohanpreet shared their Haldi photos of the ceremony, in which the two seemed drenched in love more than the Haldi, now, the videos of Neha’s post about her Haldi ceremony are going viral on the internet. The gorgeous bride looked ravishing in her plain yellow saree with a messy bun, yet it is her dance at the dhol In her entry she has become an inspiration for all future brides. Neha can be seen enjoying the festivity and happiness that her family exudes as she danced with them in dhol. Take a look at the videos below:
On October 23, 2020, the long-awaited Haldi Photos from the ceremony of Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh went viral on the internet. The adorable couple looked fascinating in their Haldi suits. Speaking of Neha’s Haldi suit, the singer had donned a plain yellow sari and Rohanpreet had twinned with his beloved in a yellow kurta. Along with their photographer, Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet had also brought their respective IG ID to share images of their Haldi ceremony and the two seemed lost in love. (Recommended reading: Amrita Rao strokes her baby’s tummy in a red sari, celebrating Navratri and her ninth month [Video])
Neha Kakkar’s beautiful sister Sonu Kakkar had also taken to her Instagram account and shared a video with her fans, as she had flaunted her Haldi dress while making a video. Along with her beautiful video, Sonu had written “My look for Haldi feature this morning for my baby @ nehakakkar’s wedding with cutie pie @rohanpreetsingh” in the caption. Not just this, but a glimpse of Neha Kalire The photographers who covered the event had also shared an aspect of the venue.
The nation is waiting for the wedding holiday photos and videos of Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet’s wedding. From Neha mehendi The ceremony was held on the night of October 22, 2020, as his bride mehendi was applied by the mehendi artists from Janakpuri, Delhi. The artist’s official identifier had posted glimpses of Neha’s girlfriend. mehendi and the bride-to-be had opted for a black satin nightgown and shorts for the ceremony.
Neha Kakkar’s older sister, Sonu Kakkar, had shared a video about her IG stories, showing the desserts from Neha and Rohanpreet’s wedding festivities. In the video you could see how the dessert had the image of Neha and Rohanpreet engraved, giving a personal touch to the dessert menu. When sharing the video, Sonu Kakkar had written, “Nehupreetkishaadi” above it. We had loved the idea of having your photos on dessert and making your wedding all about your love. (Recommended reading: Daughter of Mahhi Vij, Tara goes for ‘Ashtami Kanya Pujan’ at her Nani’s house, wearing a ‘Lehenga’)
Stay tuned for more wedding updates from Neha Kakkar and Rohanpreet Singh!