* Update at 2.34 pm | After a meticulous planning and a sustained effort, railways mobilized their resources in a very short period of time and prepared 145 Shramik of the trains that leave from Maharashtra on the 26th of May. These trains have already been reported to day of today from Maharashtra: Central Railway
* Update 2.33 pm | For the May 25, railways had offered 125 trains for the evacuation of the migrants from Maharashtra, but the state government was only able to give information for 41 trains until 2 in the morning of May 25. Of these, only 39 trains could run as passengers could not be carried by local authorities: Central Railway
* Update at 1.30 pm: Migrants who come to Suncity floor in Vasai as seven trains will leave UNTIL the day of today.
More than 8,000 people have gathered in the Suncity ground in Vasai as seven Shramik Special Trains are expected to come out of Uttar Pradesh, on Tuesday.
The seven trains likely to stop Vasai railway station are four-to Jaunpur, two in Bhadohi and one-to-Gorakhpur.
The migrants, from the Vasai-Turn region, Mira-Bhayander, Thane are being examined. Will be shipped in buses and taken to the train station, depending on the train timing.

* Taj Trust to feed to the doctors for another month
Spelling relief for the doctors, the Taj Public Service Welfare Trust has decided to extend its free meal services to the health workers for another month.
TOI had earlier reported that BMC was running to options, after that the understanding between the Trust and the civic body came to an end on the 23rd of May. “With the lock to be expanded in Mumbai, the Trust decided to expand its meals program to the health workers for another month. Our decision to continue with the initiative is based on popular requests of the medical fraternity,” said the Indian Hotels Company (IHC) CEO Puneet Chhatwal. The Taj Trust is the philanthropic arm of IHC Ltd.
* The sweltering summer heat and increased levels of humidity have compounded the problems of doctors and other front-line workers that have to stay zipped in the non-porous personal protective equipment for long stretches. Several doctors across Mumbai are reporting skin rashes, dehydration and blackouts.
* Thane municipal corporation is developing a tracking system online management system to provide real-time information about Covid-related infrastructure, such as the location of ambulances or of bed vacancies in the dedicated to the hospitals. The administration has received criticism after the frequent cases of patients losing their lives due to the lack of information on critical facilities.
* Two months ago, KEM & Sion to replace Kasturba as centers of attention
When Covid first came to India in February, the BMC designed a 24-bed isolation facility at its Kasturba Hospital as their main battle station. But two months after the blockade was announced, and has been recorded 1,026 deaths and 31,789 of the patients, the reality on the ground in Mumbai have changed. Different hospitals have become the main crown of the centers, neighborhoods, and points of access have become more secure and new drugs with tonguetwisting names have been removed from the prominence to the old medications as HCQS.
Now, the more than 2,000-bed KEM Hospital in Parel, initially intended to be the refuge of the not-Covid patients in the city of Mumbai main Covid warrior. “Almost every day, it seems that we are becoming one of our rooms in Covid areas,” said a senior doctor. The independent CVTS building in KEM has more or less become a Covid-only structure.
As for Kasturba, his isolation number of beds increased to 160, but is now in the middle of the BMC Covid care of the pyramid. “At the moment in that we realize that a patient is taking it seriously and have an underlying chronic illness which is shifted to KEM or Sion Hospital,” said a BMC official. So Kasturba has low mortality rates, but KEM and Sion hospitals have registered hundreds of deaths in May itself.
* Update on 9.36 am: Number of deaths due to Covid-19 rises to 4,167 cases rise to 1,45,380 in the country, reports PTI, quoting the ministry of health of the Union.
* The city reported its first Covid-19 death on March 17, six days after it was reported the first case on March 11
While it took the city 34 days to reach the first 100 deaths since the first case was reported, the later 100s came in smaller intervals. The first 100 deaths were recorded on the 13th of April, when Mumbai had 1,540 cases positive. The next 100 were added at 13 days, after which the intervals are reduced to a single digit. The fourth, fifth and sixth of one hundred deaths were aggregated into four days each. The fastest, in addition, from 734 to 800 deaths, it arrived in two days: May 17 to 19. The later intervals were 3 days each.
* In an attempt to ascertain the number of Covid-19 deaths, the BMC is the fine adjustment of the contact follow-up program and now quarantine until the 15 high-risk contacts—as against the five previous ones—each positive in the patients of the wards.
While the new policy to dramatically increase the number of people being tested, BMC commissioner I S Chahal on Monday, he said to his personal health and assistant municipal commissioners (ward officers) don’t worry about the growing number of Covid-19 cases as of the time of the deaths could be prevented.
* The mortality rate for Covid-19 in the city has been the highest at 8.1% for those over 60. The rate is exactly half of 4% for those in the age group of 40 to 60 years and less than 1% for those under the age of 40, shows a BMC analysis of 988 deaths. The diabetes -hypertension combination has emerged as the most predominant underlying co-morbidity among the deceased.
* Flight of the plate of the screen that displays a mass of cancellation, the passengers of gloves and face masks and air hostesses in suits hazmat. Add to that heated discussions between passengers and the airline staff. The scene at Mumbai airport T2 Monday was similar to that of a dysfunctional future flick as the resumption of domestic flights had a turbulent start with the 75% being cancelled following the decision of the state to limit flight movements to only 50 of the Sunday night.
* The city on Monday crossed the 1,000 Covid-19 deaths, 76 days after the virus has entered in Mumbai and two months after the countrywide blockade was announced. The city’s death toll stood at 1,026 with the addition of the 38 deaths on Monday; 736 of the 1,026 deaths have occurred in May alone.