Mumbai Local Train News | Maharashtra government considers opening Mumbai local train services for all and proposes timetable [DETAILS]

Mumbai Local Train News

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Mumbai: The Maharashtra government wrote to Indian Railways on Wednesday and requested permission to restart local train services in Mumbai for all with staggered schedules.

In a letter addressed to the CEOs of Central Railways and Western Railways, and also to the Commissioner of Police, Mumbai Railways, Kishor Raje Nimbalkar, Secretary of the Department of Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation, sought input on the resumption of services of local trains for all with staggered times.

“The State seeks to open up local train services to the general public, while ensuring compliance with all COVID 19 protocols. To ensure this is done in a phased manner, the following time slots are proposed,” Nimbalkar wrote. in the letter.

According to the official communication, it has been proposed that anyone with a valid ticket or pass should be able to use the service from the start of the first local train until 7.30 a.m. People performing essential services who have a valid QR code / ID card attached with a valid ticket or pass you can board local trains from 8:00 am to 10:30 am

Then, from 11 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. until the end of the service, anyone with a valid ticket or pass must be able to board the trains.

From 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, only people involved in essential services who have a valid QR code / ID card along with a valid ticket or pass should be able to board local trains.

Special trains for women will operate at one-hour intervals.

The Secretary stated that the proposed schedule would require increasing the frequency of local trains to meet the demand of travelers.

“It is requested that the Railways be kind enough to give their contributions in the previously proposed schedule at the earliest,” the official wrote.