Congressional leader Rahul Gandhi launched a searing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday, raising the India-China issue, the migration crisis in his first election speech on Friday, in Hisua.
“The question is when Bihar’s jaw was martyred, what was the prime minister doing?” Rahul Gandhi said alluding to the prime minister’s Sasaram speech, where he invoked the pride of Bihar sending its children to the border.
Also read: The opposition insulting the martyrs of Bihar by promising that Article 370 will be returned, says Prime Minister Modi
“When China entered our land, why did the prime minister deny it? Today, he is saying that he bows his head at the sacrifice of the jawans. So why did you lie? Rahul Gandhi said.
“Don’t lie to Biharis, Modi Ji. Did you give Biharis a job? In the last elections, the prime minister promised 2 million jobs, nobody got them. In public, he says he bowed his head to the army, farmers, workers, and merchants. But once he gets home, he only works for Ambani and Adani, ”said the Congress leader.
Speaking about Covid-19 and the following migration crisis, the leader of Congress said: “All migrant workers were sent back to Bihar. What was PM Modi doing at the time when he was walking miles? Did he provide you with trains?
Before Rahul Gandhi, Tejashwi Yadav, the leading ministerial candidate for Mahagathbandhan in Bihar, addressed the rally and promised 10 lakhs of government jobs to the youth of Bihar on the day he becomes prime minister.