Man becomes a millionaire overnight after a meteor fell from the sky | viral news

A 33-year-old Indonesian man became a millionaire overnight when a meteorite worth 10 million rupees crashed through the tin roof of his home.

The man Josua Hutagalung is a coffin maker by trade and was working on a coffin when the meteorite smashed into the ceiling of his living room in Kolang, North Sumatra.

The 2.1 kg space rock was buried 15 cm deep in the ground after crashing into the ceiling.

It should be noted that the price of mtoerites is decided based on their weight, with the cheapest pure rock varieties selling for between $ 0.50 and $ 5.00 per gram, and those with rare extraterrestrial metals going on sale for up to $ 1000 per gram.

Josua said that the meteorite was still hot and partially broken when he tried to lift it out of the ground. I touch it.

The meteorite is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old and classified as CM1 / 2 carbonaceous chondrite, an extremely rare variety. The price of this variety of space rock is around $ 1.85 million, or $ 857 per gram.

“When I picked it up, the stone was still warm and I took it into the house. The sound was so loud that parts of the house were shaking too. And after searching, I saw that the tin roof of the house had been broken. I strongly suspect that this rock is in fact an object in the sky that many people call a meteorite. Because it is impossible for someone to deliberately throw it or drop it from above, “he told Kompas.

The Sun reported that Joshua was paid the equivalent of 30 years of his salary for the space rock. Joshua said that he would use some money to build a church. “I’ve also always wanted a daughter, and I hope this is a sign that now I will be lucky enough to have one,” she told The Sun.
