Updated: August 31, 2020 8:35:56 pm
The government of Maharashtra today announced the Unlock 4.0 guidelines. (Express photo)
Maharashtra Unlock 4.0 Guidelines: In announcing the ‘Unlocking 4’ guidelines, the Maharashtra government announced significant easing of restrictions, including lifting restrictions on interdistrict movement of people and goods and increasing attendance at its offices. Hotels and inns will be able to operate at 100% capacity from September 2, but schools, universities, movie theaters and swimming pools will be closed until September 30.
Maharashtra Unlock 4.0 Guidelines: What is allowed
1) All non-essential stores will be allowed to continue as per guidelines and guidelines issued from time to time. Liquor stores will continue to operate.
2) Hotels and inns will be able to operate at 100% of their capacity. Separate SOPs will be issued to take the necessary precautions when operating these establishments.
3) All state government offices (except Emergency, Health & Medicine, Treasury, Disaster Management, Police, NIC, Food & Civil Supply, FCI, NYK, Municipal Services) to work with the following strength
a) 100% Group A and Group B officials throughout the State of Maharashtra.
b) Personnel other than Group A and Group B officials: i) Attend the office with 30% strength or a minimum of 30 employees, whichever is greater, in municipal corporations of the MMR Region , including MCGM, Pune Municipal Corporations, Pimpri-Chinchwad and others as you may be notified from time to time. ii). Attend the office with 50% force or a minimum of 50 employees, whichever is more, in the rest of Maharashtra.
4) A Surveillance Officer will be appointed in each office to ensure standards such as social distancing, face covering, etc. to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
In addition, it will be ensured that all offices are equipped with the necessary screening and hygiene measures, such as thermal scanning, hand washing, and disinfectants at all entry and exit points and common areas. Masks must also be available to employees.
5) All private offices can operate up to 30% strength as required. However, all employers will carry out awareness programs to educate employees to take proper precautions when returning home so that the vulnerable group, especially the elderly, is not affected. A Vigilance Officer will be appointed in each office to ensure standards such as social distancing, face covering, etc. to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Staggering of office hours should be encouraged and only work-related movement will be allowed.
6) There will be no restrictions on the movement between districts of people and goods, including those destined for cross-border trade under the Treaties with neighboring countries. No separate electronic permit / approval / permit will be required for vehicles and people riding in them for such movements.
7) The movement of passengers in private buses / minibuses and other operators will be allowed. The SOP for these will be issued by the Maharashtra Transport Commissioner.
Maharashtra Unlock 4.0 Guidelines: What is not allowed
1) Schools, universities, educational and training institutions will be closed until September 30, 2020. Online / distance learning will continue to be allowed and will be encouraged.
2) Movie theaters, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theaters (including those in shopping centers and market complexes), bars, auditoriums, function rooms, and similar venues.
3) International passenger air travel, except as permitted by the MHA.
4) Metro Rail.
5) Social / political / sports / entertainment / academic / cultural / religious functions and other large congregations.
Maharashtra Unlock 4.0: C Guidelinesentertainment areas
1) The Containment Zones in the State according to the categorized video order dated May 19, 2020 and May 21, 2020 will remain in effect until new orders.
2) The instructions issued by the Central Government and the State Government from time to time to demarcate the Containment Zones and the operations in them will be in force until further orders.
3) Taking into account the local conditions, the interested District Collector and the Commissioners of the Municipal Corporations in the State can enforce certain measures and restrictions necessary in specific local areas on the allowed non-essential activities and the movement of people to contain the spread of the epidemic only with the prior written approval of the Chief Secretary of Maharashtra.
National directives for the management of Covid-19
1) Face coverings: The use of face covers is mandatory in public places, at workplaces and during transportation.
2) Social distancing: people must maintain a minimum distance of 6 feet (2 Gaz Ki doors) in public places. The stores will ensure physical distance between customers and will not allow more than five people at a time.
3) Gatherings: Large public gatherings / congregations are still prohibited. Meetings related to marriage – Number of guests not to exceed 50. Meetings related to funeral / last rites – Number of people not to exceed 20.
4) Spitting in public places will be sanctioned with a fine, as prescribed by the competent authority in accordance with its laws, rules or regulations.
5) The consumption of liquor, paan, gutka, tobacco, etc. is prohibited. In public places.
Additional guidelines for workplaces
6) Work from Home (WFH) ~ To the extent possible, WFH practice should be followed. The staggering of working / commercial hours will be followed in offices, workplaces, shops, markets and industrial and commercial establishments.
7) Detection and hygiene: Provisions for thermal detection, hand washing and disinfectant will be made available at all entry and exit points and common areas.
8) Frequent disinfection of the entire workplace, common facilities, and all points that come into human contact, eg, door handles, etc., will be ensured even between shifts.
9) Social distancing: all people in charge of workplaces will guarantee adequate distance between workers, adequate spaces between shifts, staggering staff lunch breaks, among others.
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