Madhya Pradesh schools to partially reopen from September 21 | Photo Credit: Representative Image
The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to partially reopen schools as of September 21. Public and private schools will function partially and students in classes 9 to 12 will be able to go to their respective schools to clear up their doubts after obtaining the permission of their parents. No regular classes will be held at the school. However, teachers must come to the school regularly.
Until now, it was not mandatory that all teachers go to schools since the lockdown was imposed. But now, the state government has made it mandatory for all teachers to come to schools starting Monday. Teachers will conduct online classes from school from now on.
All these schools must strictly follow the SOPs issued by the Ministry of Health. You need a space of six feet between them. Schools are taking the necessary measures to maintain sufficient social distance between students and teachers and also between two students. All those who attend the schools must wear masks and wash their hands repeatedly. The use of disinfectants is also mandatory.
Schools will disinfect all school surfaces and equipment using one percent hypochloride after class begins and ends. Positive Corona students, teachers and staff will not be allowed to enter the school premises, according to the Ministry of Health SOP. Schools in the containment zones will not be allowed to open as of September 21 under any circumstances.
In the meantime, The Madhya Pradesh Board has canceled online classes for classes 9-12 in the state a few days ago. The online classes were scheduled to begin on September 7, 2020 in Doordarshan at 7 a.m. and would end at 10 a.m. But later, on the day the online classes began, the board secretary, Anil Suchari, issued an order that said: “The broadcast will be canceled from 7 am to 10 am. Therefore, classes will not be held.”