Although Himachal Pradesh’s Lahaul-Spiti Valley attracts large numbers of tourists during the winter season, those who had planned a trip this year will have to postpone it for another six months. Tourists are reportedly prohibited from entering the region until April 2021, considering the sudden increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Lahaul-Spiti.
A police checkpoint has reportedly been set up in Sissu to prevent outsiders from visiting the valley. Meanwhile, tourists have been advised not to visit the Atal Tunnel either.
Lahaul-Spiti Deputy Commissioner Pankaj Rai said in a featured post that freezing temperatures, lack of medical facilities, high altitude, etc. they can cause serious harm to public health in the region if Corona cases are not controlled. Furthermore, due to the change in people’s lifestyle and severe weather conditions, people are vulnerable to the virus.
The news says that the authorities in Keylong have also banned public gatherings of more than four under Section 144. The Himachal government can also enforce the night curfew in Corona like Shimla, Lahaul-Spiti, Kullu and Mandi.
Apparently this also means that all homestays and tourist accommodation will be closed in Spiti during 2020. On the other hand, hotels and tourist properties have restarted their operations in other parts of Himachal, considering that it is a high holiday season. . Bars and restaurants have been allowed to reopen in the state, but with strict health and safety regulations.
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