After much waiting, Kia has launched the under four meter Sonet SUV in India at an initial launch price of Rs 6.71 lakh. The vehicle is available in two equipment lines: Tech-Line, which offers HTE, HTK, HTK +, HTX and HTX + variants; and the first GT-Line in its segment with a GTX + variant. The Kia Sonet compact SUV is available in eight drab and three two-tone color options. Read below to learn more about why you should buy the recently launched Kia Sonet.
What’s good about it?
The Kia Sonet is equipped with the segment’s first six-speed diesel automatic transmission and an intelligent manual transmission (iMT) option in a gasoline version. In addition, the vehicle has several pioneering features in its segment, such as 10.25-inch HD touchscreen navigation, a Bose premium sound system, ventilated front seats and a 4.2-inch color instrument cluster. In addition, the Sonet offers distinctive features such as 392 liters of trunk space, UVO Connect function, and Smart Pure air purifier with protection against viruses and bacteria. In terms of safety, it reaches up to six airbags with ESC, HAC and VSM.
What is not so good?
During launch, the top-spec GTX + was only introduced with a six-speed 1.0-liter iMT, while a seven-speed DCT will be available at a later date. Similarly, the 1.5-liter diesel engine is limited to a six-speed manual transmission, while the six-speed VGT automatic will go on sale at a later date.
The best variant to buy?
The HTK + offers a decent amount of features on Tech-Line. Additionally, this is the only variant that currently offers a seven-speed DCT option on the 1.0-liter T-GDi gasoline engine and a six-speed diesel VGT automatic option. The HTX + is a good choice for those looking for more features on Tech-Line and is good with a six-speed iMT and a six-speed manual diesel engine option. For those looking for a complete package, the GTX + variant of the GT-Line version also offers features such as six airbags, a high-end tire pressure monitor, automatic headlights, ventilated front seats and more.
1.2 liters: 81 hp at 6,000 rpm and 115 Nm at 4,200 rpm
Five speed manual transmission
1.0-liter T-GDi: 117 hp at 6,000 rpm and 172 Nm between 1,500 rpm and 4,000 rpm
Six-speed iMT transmission and seven-speed DCT option
1.5-liter CRDi WGT: 97 hp, 4000 rpm and 240 Nm between 1500 rpm and 2750 rpm
Six-speed manual transmission
1.5-liter CRDi VGT: 113 hp and 250 Nm between 1,500 rpm and 2,750 rpm
Six-speed automatic transmission
Did you know
The Kia Sonet has accumulated over 25,000 bookings and has started deliveries across India as of today.