
Kerala’s quick approach to defeating Covid-19 has yielded results showing the flattening of its infection curve, the highest recovery rate and low mortality. He was the first to decentralize surveillance and enable notification of symptoms at the village level and quarantine monitoring. He moved early in the antibody tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection. It was even the first state in India to establish test kiosks, just as South Korea, which is being honored for its Covid-19 response, did so from the start. Now, the state has sought and received ICMR approval to explore the feasibility of convalescent plasma transfusion, a therapy in which the blood plasma of individuals who have recovered from Covid-19, that is, their immune system has developed Antibodies (present in the plasma) to overcome the disease, is transfused into a seriously ill person with the disease.
While a member of the expert committee to tackle the pandemic in India notes that, currently, “there are no specific antiviral agents that have been found effective in the treatment of Covid-19,” given the way different jurisdictions are testing a wide range of range of drug interventions, Kerala’s approach is not as strange as it sounds. Furthermore, since plasma therapy has been used in the treatment of Ebola, H1N1 and SARS. The exploration of this measure for Covid-19 is based on a study by doctors in China, the findings of which have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In the Chinese trial, plasma from recovered individuals was transferred to five critically ill patients; An improvement in the condition of all five was noted after this, and all were later discharged. Kerala’s strategic approach to addressing the Covid-19 outbreak in its jurisdiction offers a lesson for the rest of the country.
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