HYDERABAD: Supreme TRS and Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has set the stage to demonstrate through his public meeting at LB Stadium on Saturday that the party has strong control in Greater Hyderabad.
In addition to targeting the BJP government in the Center for its alleged anti-popular policies, Chandrashekar Rao is expected to highlight that the opposition parties have created a tense atmosphere in the city with their high-voltage campaign. Several unions will express their support by sharing the podium with the Chief Minister on Saturday.
Party leaders are of the view that given the communal nature of some parties’ campaign, it was inevitable that the Chief Minister would strengthen the confidence of the people by assuring them that peace and harmony would prevail and that the government would not allow hatred. traffickers.
The party feels that Chandrashekar Rao’s public meeting is crucial to TRS’s fate and may set the tone for the campaign in the days remaining until Election Day on December 1. Two thousand people are expected to attend the meeting at the LB stadium.
A senior party leader said Chandrashekar Rao had already led the people of the Greater Hyderabad area towards the ruling party with his promises of free water supply and the extension of $ 10,000 of financial aid to families affected by the floods. . The CM had mentioned that the free water supply will benefit 97 percent of families in the GHMC boundaries.
Most TRS leaders stated that the people will not believe the promises of the opposition parties, as they know very well that any party that comes to power in the civic body must invariably enjoy the support of the state government, in which case it is better if the TRS comes back to power in the GHMC.