Karan Johar has sent her response to the Bureau of Narcotics Control (NCB) in response to the notice that was delivered to her regarding the ongoing investigations into Bollywood drug trafficking. In his response, he said that he had used his cell phone to capture the video that went viral on the Internet with allegations that the celebrities featured in it were drugged.
Furthermore, Karan Johar has said that he can no longer access the cell phone because he has lost it. Instead, the filmmaker sent NCB a flash drive containing the video and said the video was downloaded from social media. He also insists that no drugs were used at the party and has denied using drugs.
According to TOI, the OCN will now seek legal opinion before deciding on the future course of action. “In his media interviews, he had talked about the party. However, in order for us to intervene and begin the investigations, we need to be clear about certain associated legal aspects, ”said an official.
The NCB had sent Karan Johar a notice on December 17 demanding an explanation from the filmmaker about the party video that had gone viral. The NCB had reportedly issued a subpoena to the filmmaker to verify the veracity of the video under section 67 (B) of the NDPS Act. In this section, a personal appearance is not required, so Johar can send his representative to appear before the drug agency to answer the questions.