Singer Kanika Kapoor, who recovered from Covid-19 3 weeks ago and has been at her Lucknow home since then, appears to be fully enjoying her parents’ company after a rather chaotic time. She took to Instagram to share a photo of the three of them, having their tea together.
“All you need is a warm smile, a warm heart and a cup of hot tea. #Familytime #lucknowdiaries #stayhomestaysafe,” he wrote. Several of his industry friends left their good wishes in the comment section. Check out the photo below.
Kanika, who returned to Lucknow from London in the second week of March, tested positive for Coronavirus about a week later. She was accused of having escaped mandatory inspection at the airport and reportedly also organized a party at a five-star hotel in Lucknow. It was only yesterday that he broke the silence on all the accusations and issued a statement. “I traveled from the UK to Mumbai on March 10 and was properly screened at the international airport. I traveled to Lucknow the next day on March 11 to see my family. There were no screening tests for domestic flights. On 14 and March 15 I attended a friend’s lunch and dinner. There was no party organized by me and I was in perfect health. I had symptoms on March 17 and 18, so I asked to be tested, “said part of your statement.
Also read: “The negativity thrown at a person does not change reality” – Kanika Kapoor breaks the silence, issues a statement