New Delhi: Actress Kangana Ranaut has shared some photos of the interior of her Mumbai office, which was partially demolished by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) last week for “illegal construction.” In the series of posts, she also tagged Congress and used the hashtag ‘National Unemployment Day’.
In one of his tweets, he said: “This is a violation of my dreams, my spirit, my self-esteem and my future.” She further added that her office has been turned into a “graveyard.”
Take a look at Kangana Ranaut’s tweets here:
यें बलात्कार है, मेरे सपनों का, मेरे हौसलों का, मेरे आत्मसम्मान का और मेरे भविष्य का @INCIndia #NationlUnemploymentDay
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 17, 2020
मेरे कर्म स्थान को शमशान बना दिया, नजाने कितने लोगों का रोज़गार छीन लिया, एक फ़िल्म यूनिट कई सौ लोगों को रोज़गार देतीं है, एक फ़िल्म रिलीज़ होकर थीयटर से लेकर पॉप्कॉर्न बेचने वाले का घर चलती है, हम सब से रोज़गार छीन के वो लोग आज # NationalUnemploymentDay17Sept मना रहे हैं
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 17, 2020
All feminists calling my house illegal without any proof, when I win the case against @mybmc and they pay compensation for my loss, which is inevitable because my case is very strong, they will surely be scolded by the court, will these people ask me for forgiveness?
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 17, 2020
Kangana’s office was demolished by the BMC on September 9, the day it landed in Mumbai from Manali.
The actress drew the ire of the Shiv Sena government after she compared Mumbai to Pakistani-occupied Kashmir (PoK) in her tweets. She received harsh reactions from Seine leaders, including Sanjay Raut, whom Kangana accused of threatening her not to return to Mumbai if she did not have faith in the police.
After this, Y. Kangana was given security and arrived in Mumbai amid tight security measures. while the BMC carried out the demolition campaign in its Mumbai office, razing parts that, according to them, were “built illegally”.
Subsequently, the Bombay High Court granted a stay of the demolition of the office, requesting the BMC to submit a response to the actress’s request. Kangana approached the Bombay High Court to challenge the notice issued by the Mumbai civic body for “illegal construction” and requested a stay of the demolition process.
One day after the demolition, Kangana visited his Mumbai office to inspect the property for damage.
On Sunday, the actress also met with the Governor of Maharashtra, Bhagat Singh Koshyari, along with her sister, Rangoli Chandel, and said she hopes justice will be served in this regard.
“I am honored that Governor Koshyari met me. I spoke about how they have treated me in Mumbai, which has given me so much. I hope to get justice,” Kangana said.