The ongoing clash between Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut and the Maharashtra government continued on Wednesday (September 9) with officials from the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) demolishing alleged illegal alterations at the Kangana Manikarnika Films office in the posh Pali Hill area in Mumbai.
In response to BMC’s decision, Kangana compared his office to Ram Temple and said that Babar is demolishing it.
मणिकर्णिका फ़िल्म्ज़ में पहली फ़िल्म अयोध्या की घोषणा हुई, यह मेरे लिए एक इमारत नहीं राम मंदिर ही है, आज वहाँ बाबर आया है, आज इतिहास फिर खुद को दोहराएगा राम मंदिर फिर टूटेगा मगर याद रख बाबर यह मंदिर फिर बनेगा यह मंदिर फिर बनेगा, जय श्री राम, जय श्री राम, जय श्री राम
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 9, 2020
Kangana tweeted comparing BMC officials to Babur’s army and said that history will repeat itself and that he will rebuild his ‘Ram Temple’.
He also compared Mumbai to Pakistan and said that he is never wrong and his enemies prove it time and time again.
I am never wrong and my haters prove again and again that is why my Mumbai is POK now #democracy
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 9, 2020
The demolition notice was issued by BMC on Tuesday under section 351 of the MMC Act, and the civic body gave Kangana 24 hours to respond to the notice. On Tuesday, Kangana took to his social media and shared the copy of his lawyer Rizwan Siddiqui response to BMC’s notice about the demolition of his property in Mumbai.
Later update fans and wrote: Now @mybmc has issued a warning against me, really desperate to break my house, I deeply love what I built with such passion for so many years, but I know that even if you break it, my spirit it will. just get stronger … GO ON
Kangana earned the ire of the Maharashtra government after he made a controversial comment about Pakistani Occupied Kashmir (Pok) on Twitter against the threat of Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut. She tweeted accusing Raut of threatening the actress not to return to Mumbai if she has no faith in the police.
On Monday, the Ministry of the Interior (MHA) granted category Y security to Kangana. Sources told Zee News that seven policemen will take care of Kangana’s security. Officials from CRPF, the Intelligence Office and the Himachal Pradesh police arrived at Kangana’s home in Manali on Tuesday to map out the actress’s security plans ahead of her visit to Mumbai on September 9.