Kangana Ranaut took to Twitter to respond to filmmaker Anubhav Sinha’s tweet about his allegations of drug abuse in the film industry. The Bollywood actress explained her stance while investigating the filmmaker’s skepticism, that she “has no doubt that he has never been invited to Bollywood parties.” In her tweet, Kangana said she was referring to the ‘highest profile parties and inner circle of blockbuster stars’ when she said that ‘99% of people in the industry have been exposed to drugs’.
Kangana’s response to Anubhav Sinha
In an exclusive interview with Republic Media Network Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami, Kangana said that most Bollywood actors use drugs almost “like water” and that almost all have been exposed to hard drugs. In response to his statement, Anubhav Sinha took to Twitter on August 31 to investigate him, saying: “Anyone who says that 90% of any industry is dedicated to drugs, does it.”
Read | Kangana Ranaut talks to Arnab Goswami and claims that ’99 percent of Bollywood use drugs’
On September 2, Kangana Ranaut replied to the filmmaker on Twitter. Tanu star Weds Manu said: “I have no doubt that people like you have never been invited to these parties because these drugs are expensive.” He also said that he can guarantee that “99% of the superstars have been exposed to hard drugs.”
Read | Kangana shares a screenshot of a derogatory tweet that Mumbai CP likes; Cops say ‘never’
Anyone who says that 90% of any industry is dedicated to drugs, does it. Even the pharmaceutical industry itself will have a much lower percentage.
Speaking of low percentages … it’s okay to be …
– Anubhav Sinha (@anubhavsinha) August 31, 2020
Hey, I specifically mentioned most of the high profile parties and the inner circle of blockbuster stars, I have no doubt that people like you have never been invited to those parties because these drugs are expensive, 99% of superstars They have been exposed to hard drugs and I guarantee it. .
– Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) September 2, 2020
Kangana talks about the link between Bollywood and drugs
After Rhea Chakraborty’s chats referring to drug purchase, use and alleged ‘spike’ in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput’s death case went viral, Kangana Ranaut was the first and only to speak on Bollywood’s link to drugs. She even agreed to speak with the Office of Narcotics Control, as long as protection is provided.
In his exclusive interview on Republic, he revealed shocking information about drug abuse within the industry. Ranaut said that LSD, cocaine and ecstasy pills were the most used drugs at Bollywood parties. She went on to say that the movie industry has almost turned into a ‘gutter’ due to drug use.
Read | Kangana reveals details of B’wood’s drug parties, claims ‘I’ve seen how vulgar it gets’
“We have to set standards for our nation, about who our role models are. Our youth are involved in drugs in a very severe way. The film industry should be held accountable for this because it has made them role models, “said Kangana Ranaut.
“At some point, 99 percent of them. Some may have faced health problems, or age, or after being admitted or having repercussions, they quit now after doing so in their youth. Even if I count them, there are 99 percent of people. Everyone without fail, at some point, is doing it, and if there is a party, everyone is enjoying it, “he said.
Read | Kangana Ranaut talks to Arnab about the reality of Bollywood drugs, says he was ‘given injections’
Read | Kangana Ranaut talks to Arnab, states that “Bollywood uses drugs like food”; Clock
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