India ushered in the new year on December 31st even as the coronavirus The pandemic overshadowed celebrations across the country.
Restrictions such as a night curfew were imposed in several cities, including Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru, and many people preferred to stay home on the occasion. However, as celebrations across the country remained subdued, images from the festivities in Goa paint a completely different picture.
Those present at the parties and others who were appalled at the insensitivity of partygoers seen without masks in crowded venues have posted numerous videos and photos on social media. This despite reports in November that the fine for not wearing masks in public places in Goa has doubled from 100 to 200 rupees.
Goa Health Minister Vishwajit Rane said Thursday that a night curfew is likely to be imposed in the state, even as Chief Minister Pramod Sawant said no decision has been made so far on the matter. In a statement issued Thursday morning, Rane said he has discussed with the prime minister the issue of imposing a night curfew on the state.
However, the Minister of Health did not specify when its implementation is likely to begin.
According to the latest reports, thirty-seven passengers out of 979, who traveled from the UK from December 9 to midnight December 22, tested positive for COVID-19 in Goa. The state government awaits reports from the National Institute of Virology in Pune to confirm the mutant strain among the COVID-19
positive passengers.
From india coronavirus case load it is on a downward slope. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Friday that India’s death rate is much lower than that of other countries. India saw 20,036 new cases of COVID-19
on Friday, and 256 people succumbed to the deadly disease in the past 24 hours, the latest update from the Health Ministry said. Although India COVID-19
The data seems to be improving, it would be unwise to let your guard down right now.
udhav thackeray: it’s the curfew for the nyele covidiots: the party is happening in goa, yo.
– out of context hooman (@vellapun) December 31, 2020
my anxiety level skyrocketed when I saw (in someone’s story) at least 200 people partying in Goa without masks
– gtg ttyl (@ asocialbut3rfly) December 31, 2020
I just saw a lot of Instagram stories from my friends partying in Goa at NYE. I wonder if Goa is not prone to COVID-19
risk more? None of them wore masks, they were partying in pubs like in the pre-Covid era. What sorcery is this? Hey? Covidiotando, huh?
– Anuja (@loquacious_sage) January 1, 2021
Hundreds of videos like this one from Goa. No restrictions, no masks, and now all of these people will travel back to their homes and families across the country. I can’t even imagine what’s to come in the next few weeks. It seems strange to me that the central government has allowed its CM to act like this.
– Nivedith Alva (@nivedithalva) January 1, 2021
So people on vacation have officially given up on masks? A group of 20 people on each Goa Instagram story without masks? And opinion pieces are writing India, did you follow the precautions diligently?
– spar (@ Sparsh97) January 1, 2021
The end of the year parties in Goa used to give me a lot of joy. But this year, many of them (not all) are giving me anxiety attacks. Lots of videos on different platforms. No masks. Without distancing. People all over the place in tight spaces like there’s no pandemic.
– Ambika Muttoo (@MissMuttoo) December 30, 2020
“We have no night curfew plans in Goa, just follow the rules, wear masks and maintain social distancing,” said the CM.
– Vedant Ghadi (@vedant_ghadi) January 1, 2021
Last week. I asked the guy who forwarded this about the masks. Almost zero compliance. And there were also Brits who came AFTER the B117 mutation was discovered
– avadhut1972 (@ avadhut1972) December 31, 2020
The coronavirus cast a long shadow on tourism in Goa, as the coastal state normally full of domestic and foreign tourists tried to cope with the effects of the pandemic. Goa witnessed perhaps the worst tourist season with canceled international chartered flights, empty-looking beach shacks and local businesses like taxis and bike rentals, dependent on this industry, taking a heavy hit.
the coronavirus– Induced has cost the state’s tourism industry Rs 1 billion in profit, the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry said. A report from the state tourism department and a private consulting firm said that Goa’s tourism industry may have suffered losses of between Rs 2,000-7,200 crore and job losses in the range of 35% to 58% due to the pandemic.
This is not the first time that Goa has received criticism for not following Covid protocols. A few weeks ago, a video of singer Lucky Ali’s impromptu concert in Goa had gone viral. Ali is seen performing in front of a large audience, who were visibly mesmerized and enchanted by her soft voice. While people on the internet are having their fan moment after seeing their favorite singer after a long time, some of them have expressed legitimate concerns. The audience at the Lucky Ali concert is huddled together, with no face masks or social distancing in the scene.