Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner and Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan shared a special message on Thursday to give wind to the franchise’s new fan campaign ‘Tu Fan Nahi Toofan hai’ for IPL 2020, which kicks off on September 19. in the United Arab Emirates.
“@Kkriders #HaiTaiyaar … come on, let’s support our Knights and support them this season! #TuFanNahiToofanHai, ”Shah Rukh wrote in a post on social media.
Kolkata Knight Riders, describing the new campaign, said: “This year, the Knight Riders have just one song and one salute, and it’s all about you. Tu jaan le tu kaun hai, #TuFanNahiToofanHai “
.@kkriders #HaiTaiyaar… come on, let’s support our Knights and support them this season. #TuFanNahiToofanHai https://t.co/XbYgJWMxr8
– Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 10, 2020
KKR captain Dinesh Karthik had launched the fan campaign on Wednesday. The goalie batter said he will miss playing in front of the huge Eden Gardens crowd.
“We will miss our fans this year and the energy of Eden Gardens. We wanted to communicate directly with KKR fans and we wanted to convey what they mean to us. We understand that they cannot be here in person with us, but they will be in our hearts, ”Karthik said.
In a year in which the Covid-19 pandemic has forced the tournament to relocate outside of India, KKR seeks to connect with its fans virtually all over the world.
“This year, it is not so much for us. We play for all of you. We want to put a smile on their faces through our cricket. If we play with the right brand of cricket, I am sure we will make sure you know that we put a smile on all KKR fans, ”said Karthik.
The two-time champions open their 2020 IPL campaign against defending champions Mumbai Indians on September 23 in Abu Dhabi.