The release date of iOS 14 in India is September 17. It was previously supposed to hit a range of iPhones globally at 10.30pm IST on September 16, as it usually does, but Apple might have a different rollout timeframe this time. But the next time period is unknown. Apple announced that it will release the next version of its iPhone software on September 16, well before its iPhone lineup is expected to launch this year. Additionally, iPadOS 14, watchOS 7, and tvOS 14 are also rolling out to a variety of devices. But Apple is lagging a bit on the launch of macOS Big Sur, the dates of which are not official yet.
IOS 14 brings a number of new features, some of them taken directly from Android. One such feature is the Picture-in-Picture mode, which allows you to play videos from the Safari browser, Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video to run in the foreground while you continue to do other things on your iPhone.
Another feature that is debuting is the automatic categorization of applications in a list. So now you can choose drawerless mode or list mode or group folders, or all.
Of all the features that are coming to various iPhone models today, the one that should be appreciated exclusively is the enhanced privacy. iOS 14 tells you in Control Center when an app uses a camera or a microphone, or both. It also tells you when an application tries to access the clipboard via a notification. This feature, in particular, generated a lot of criticism for apps like LinkedIn and TikTok.
It also has strong protection against automatic tracking that makes up the stuff for advertisers. In fact, Facebook has been denouncing this feature because it fears the loss of advertisers and therefore the ad revenue on the iPhone. So Apple has decided to keep this feature for some time.
The YouTube app now plays 4K videos on iPhone with iOS 14. Even iPhone models without a 4K display can play high-resolution videos, which is impressive. But that doesn’t really make a difference because this high resolution is limited by screen size. Tried playing 4K videos on my iPhone XR but didn’t notice any noticeable difference.
Here is everything you need to know about iOS 14 and iPadOS 14.
IOS 14, iPadOS 14 release time in India
In India, iOS 14 and iPadOS 14 will start rolling out from today.
IOS 14 Compatible Devices
- iPhone 11
- iPhone 11 Pro
- iPhone 11 Pro Max
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- iPhone XR
- iPhone X
- iPhone 8
- iPhone 8 Plus
- iPhone 7
- iPhone 7 Plus
- iPhone 6s
- iPhone 6s Plus
- iPhone SE (1st generation)
- iPhone SE (second generation)
IPadOS 14 Compatible Devices
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro (4th generation)
- 11-inch iPad Pro (2nd generation)
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation)
- 11-inch iPad Pro (1st generation)
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2nd generation)
- 12.9-inch iPad Pro (1st generation)
- 10.5-inch iPad Pro
- 9.7-inch iPad Pro
- iPad (8th generation)
- iPad (7th generation)
- iPad (6th generation)
- iPad (5th generation)
- iPad mini (5th generation)
- iPad mini 4
- iPad Air (4th generation)
- iPad Air (3rd generation)
- iPad Air 2
How to install iOS 14, iPadOS 14
- Go to the settings app
- Go to the General tab and then to Software Update
Your device will connect to Apple’s servers and the update will be available. Tap Download and install to get iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 on your device.